Phyerblades Domain

Welcome to the portal to The Dark Realms of

Subjective Objectivism

The Realm of the Dark Blade




Subjective Objectivism

A look at the world through the eyes of an isolated creature that lives it’s life far separated from the rest of the world. A set of random thoughts and observations, his perspective on life, and the events he reads about. An attempt to make sense of everything around him with a little antisocial logic, and a little humor.

The Realm of the Dark Blade

Is a log of one of my hobbies. I am a great fan of bladed weapons, and in this blog I share all of the amazing and interesting bladed weapon designs I encounter with a little injection of humor and interesting trivia. I’m no expert on this unusual topic, but I’ve picked up a lot of little bits of information that I’m hoping will make the experience a little more interesting.

Please Enjoy!

